Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Icarus and his golden wings

Rozi O'Keefe-Hoeck
Mr. Ayers
29 February 2012
Daedalus and Icarus: Fabulous Golden Wings
     The evil king of Crete, Minos, kept the most brilliant architect of the ancient world. Daedalus and his son Icarus were locked in a the palace in the city of Knossos. The architect created the labyrinth which holds the minotaur, a half man and half bull. To leave Crete, Daedalus would have to sail on a boat, but Minos kept very close watch on both the harbors and the son of Athena. Daedalus decided that the only way off of the island would be to fly off. Daedalus and Icarus secretly crafted golden wings of an eagle. Once Daedalus had finished Icarus attached the wings to a leather harnus with hot wax. The gaurds, who checked on Daedalus every day, came early and Daedalus had to quickly wax on Icarus's wings. Before taking off, the father told his only son not to fly too high, which would melt the wax, or too low to the ocean, which would wash away the wax. Soon Icarus forgot his father's advice and started to fly to close to the sun.

1 comment:

  1. Rozi,
    Fine to post, but also keep a word doc in your ILT folder. Mr A
